
Tinyproxyhasasmallfootprintandrequiresverylittleinthewayofsystemresources.Thememoryfootprinttendstobearound2MBwithglibc,andtheCPU ...,2020年11月11日—I'vetriededitingStatHostwitheitherthemachine'sipaddress(,butIstillkeepgettingthat ...,ThedefaultvalueofStatHostis#tinyproxy.stats.##StatHosttinyproxy.stats###StatFile:TheHTMLfilethatgetssentwhenarequestisma...


Tinyproxy has a small footprint and requires very little in the way of system resources. The memory footprint tends to be around 2 MB with glibc, and the CPU ...

Keep Getting Bad Request When Trying to Access Stats ...

2020年11月11日 — I've tried editing StatHost with either the machine's ip address ( or the default tinyproxy.stats , but I still keep getting that ...


The default value of StatHost is # tinyproxy.stats. # #StatHost tinyproxy.stats # # # StatFile: The HTML file that gets sent when a request is made # for the ...


The default value of StatHost is # tinyproxy.stats. # #StatHost tinyproxy.stats # # # StatFile: The HTML file that gets sent when a request is made # for the ...


Navigating to http://tinyproxy.stats/ while connected to the proxy will display the Tinyproxy Stats page. Filtering. Any Tinyproxy filter setting such as ...


This configures the host name or IP address that is treated as the stat host: Whenever a request for this host is received, Tinyproxy will return an internal ...


The stathost name defaults to tinyproxy.stats and can be changed at runtime to any name or IP address with the configuration variable StatHost. The stat ...

SampleTinyproxyConfiguration < XdaqWiki < TWiki

tinyproxy.conf -- tinyproxy daemon configuration file. Name of the user the ... hardcoded in tinyproxy. StatFile /usr/share/tinyproxy/stats.html. Where to ...

How to verify and monitor Tinyproxy as a HTTP forward proxy

2022年12月15日 — The StatHost is an internal fake DNS which tells Tinyproxy to display an internal HTTP page containing live statistics. These stats contain:.

A light-weight HTTP proxy daemon

Tinyproxy returns a HTML page with connection statistics when it receives a HTTP request for a certain host — the stathost. The stathost name defaults to ...

TinyProxy。輕量級HTTP Prxoy

TinyProxy。輕量級HTTP Prxoy
